CompanyIQ® Insights

Non-GAAP Reporting

Non-GAAP financial measures reporting compliance can be challenging in the best of times. With the SEC’s recent updated non-GAAP guidance, issued December 2022, it’s not unreasonable to expect additional scrutiny on financial reporting. Our two recent reports provide excerpts of non-GAAP comment letters issued to Russell 3000 companies and identifies affected industries. Our first report

Audit Fees at a Glance

As public companies face double digit increases in audit fees, we examined audit fees among Russell 3000 companies for proxy years 2020 and 2021. Using our CompanyIQ® Audit Fees database, we found a modest 1% increase for 2021 YTD reporting companies. For the details, you can view our report here.

Cybersecurity Oversight Disclosures in the S&P 500

With the SEC's proposed rules for enhanced cybersecurity risk management oversight in their 60-day comment period until May 9, 2022, we thought it might be helpful to review how S&P 500 companies handle and disclose their handling of cybersecurity risk. As our benchmarking report shows: 95% of S&P 500 companies disclose how their boards manage cyber risk. 66% of these companies task the

Climate Change Dominates SEC Comment Letters

Vague Climate Statements a No Go with the SEC Research from our CompanyIQ® SEC Comment Letters database indicates that one-third of S&P 500 Comment Letters released over the past 90 days (12/4/21-3/4/22) were related to climate change. Specifically, out of 31 companies that received a SEC Comment Letter, the SEC asked the following 10 companies for additional information on climate disclos

Is There an Optimal Level of CEO Experience to Run America’s Largest Companies?

Company stakeholders have a vested interest in their CEO’s status, performance, and future. While the right CEO takes different forms, the landscape of S&P 500 CEOs reveals many paths to the top job. A review of CompanyIQ® Corporate Governance database on the current experience (age + tenure) of S&P 500 CEOs paints a picture of the typical CEO gaining appointment in their early to mid 50s w

Total Shareholder Return Modifiers Gain Popularity as a Gauge to Adjust Performance Grants

Methodology and Key Takeaways: Using the CompanyIQ® platform, MyLogIQ reviewed three years of long-term incentive award metrics for Russell 3000 (R3000) companies during compensation years 2018, 2019 and 2020. Companies that filed their most recent proxies by 12/1/2021 were included in the results. Key Takeaways: Modifying award payouts based on total shareholder return (TSR) performan

Say on Pay Special: Communicating Pay Decisions – Three Proxy Disclosure Highlights

Pay Decision Disclosures Communicating pay decisions to shareholders may not stem the tide of poor Say on Pay support that companies faced over the last two years. Nonetheless, effective disclosures outline the rationale and purpose behind pay decisions made by the board. Companies that suffer in one year’s Say on Pay vote can achieve favorable results again if they maintain a good track

Say on Pay 2021 Year in Review: Special Awards in Focus

Most companies receive at least 90% approval on advisory Say o Pay votes from shareholders (about three-quarters of public companies) and any result under 70% is considered a concern by Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS). BlackRock, the largest U.S. institutional investor, recently released 2022 guidance indicating that it will not only vote against pay plans that exhibit pay for performa

What Happens to the CFO When the CEO Leaves?

With CEO turnover averaging 9% for Russell 3000 companies over the last four years, we used our CompanyIQ® SEC EDGAR search platform to review what this means for the CFO within 60 days of the chief executive’s departure. Chief Financial Officers Left More Than 10% of the Time - A CEO departure also meant that the chief financial officer left, on average, 12% of the time. CFOs Replaced On

ESG Disclosure a Risk Factor in the S&P 500

In their latest 10-Qs filed over the last 30 days, eight S&P 500 companies have identified ESG as a risk factor. What are they saying and why? Our CompanyIQ® examination of the filings of Etsy (NASDAQ: ETSY) and Booking Holdings (NASDAQ: BKNG) identify the challenges of non-standardized ESG reporting standards as a significant risk factor. Etsy (NASDAQ: ETSY) - Heightened Scrutiny From Disclos

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